Sitemap page on

by @26samaahmed

June 24, 2024 • 3 min read

Hi ACM members, today i'll be introducing one of our newest pages which is

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 1 41 13 PM

What is the Sitemap Page?

There are a lot of awesome pages on that many people might not know about. This is why we created a page called Sitemap. This page includes a list of all the web pages the website has. You will be redirected to any page you click on! This makes it easier for people to view anything at all times. Below, you will find short descriptions of each page:

Main Pages

  • Home: redirects you to the website’s homepage
  • Events: shows a list of events hosted by each team for the weekly workshops throughout the semester
  • Teams: shows a list of the board members for each term
  • Blog: the one you’re viewing right now which also includes posts for when a new version of this website is released!

Productivity Pages:

  • LC-Dailies: shows the seasons which is the leaderboard for each week. If you want to be a part of that leaderboard, then you can check out #algo-chat in our discord server
  • Pomo: boosts your productivity by managing your time on this page. You can set your preferred work and break durations to help you stay focused and balanced

Board Use:

  • Boardify: used to format officer’s pictures that are displayed on
  • Colors: a list of all the colors used in our website which includes team colors for easier access
  • Shorter: used for board to shorten their URL for easier access when people want to type it from a slideshow or other purposes
  • SVG: a QR code generated image for when people use shorter if members want to scan it
  • Temp-app: a template for the President/Vice President that they can adjust depending on the term to release when the board applications open

Contributing Pages:

  • 1st Contributions: serves a guide to how you can make your first contribution to this website
  • @[username]: shows all your contributions including commits to the repository for this website. Ex: . You can replace anything after the @ with your github username!


  • Privacy: represents the privacy policy for our club including amendments

Showcase Pages:

  • Gallery: includes pictures from team workshops throughout the semester
  • Genuary: showcases the amazing designs created by our members for the daily challenges in the month of January. You’re also able to view these designs in #genuary on our server
  • O(N)ovember: a november edition of LC-Dailies


  • Feed.xml: shows the blog data in xml format
  • Quiz: a fun little quiz if you’re interested to see what team you match with the most based on your interests
  • Random: redirects you to a random page whenever you click it. This also appears at the bottom of our homepage

And.. That's all there is on the Sitemap page. Huge shoutout to Tyler Lui and Karnikaa Velumani for working on this page!!

Thank you for reading 😎

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