Special Discord Edition

by @EthanThatOneKid

November 30, 2023 • 10 min read

Special Discord Edition

Open Source Software team Special Discord Edition artwork for acmcsuf.com/special-discord-edition

Self link: https://acmcsuf.com/special-discord-edition/

Created: Nov 29th, 2023

This special edition of the mini-workshop series serves as a reference for
building projects utilizing Discord API concepts. Designed as a handbook, this
blog post is tailored to guide you in deploying your project to operate beyond a
local environment, ensuring it remains functional even when your computer is

Table of contents

Discord API

This section serves as an introduction to the Discord API.


The content of this blog post is not meant to be totally comprehensive. Please
reference Discord's official
API Reference documentation
for more information.

Discord API concepts

Vocabulary Official Discord API Reference URL
Application command https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-commands
Chat input command https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#slash-commands
Chat input autocomplete https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#autocomplete
Message command https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#message-commands
User command https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#user-commands
Webhook https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#webhook-resource
Message component https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components
Modal https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#interaction-response-object-modal
Grants https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#state-and-security

Discord credentials

In order to use the Discord API, you need to
create a new Discord application
which contains the credentials necessary to authenticate your project with

Credential type Keep safe Description
Client ID Public A.k.a application ID. Used to identify your application to Discord.
Client secret Private Used to authenticate client ID.
Public key Public Used to verify incoming Discord interactions.
Bot token Private Used to authenticate a Discord application bot, which represents an automated user.

Scopes, permissions, and intents

OAuth2 Scopes
determine what data access and actions your app can take, granted on behalf of
an installing or authenticating user.

are the granular permissions for your bot user, the same as other users in
Discord have. They can be approved by the installing user or later updated
within server settings or with
permission overwrites.

Intents determine which events Discord will send your app when you're creating
Gateway API connection.
For example, if you want your app to do something when users add a reaction to
a message, you can pass the GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS (1 << 10) intent.

Some intents are
meaning they allow your app to access data that may be considered sensitive
(like the contents of messages). Privileged intents appear and can be toggled
on the Bot page in your app's settings. Standard, non-privileged intents don't
require any additional permissions or configurations. More information about
intents and a full list of available intents, along with their associated
events, is in the
Gateway documentation.

Edit your application's invite URL to specify the scopes and permissions your
application needs. See Discord's documentation on
creating an invite
for more information.

From your Discord application's dashboard, you can build an invite URL with the
scopes and permissions you need.

Discord application dashboard OAuth2 URL generator screenshot

  • From your
    Discord applications dashboard,
    click on your application.
  • Click on the "OAuth2" tab.
  • Under "OAuth2 URL Generator", select the permissions you need.
  • Copy the generated URL.
  • Paste the generated URL into your browser's address bar and invite the bot to
    your server.

Update the privileges of your application's bot to specify the intents that your
application needs as needed.

Discord application dashboard intents screenshot

  • From your
    Discord applications dashboard,
    click on your application.
  • Click on the "Bot" tab.
  • Under "Privileged Gateway Intents", select the intents you need.
  • Click on the "Save Changes" button.

Questions to ask yourself

Decisions decisions decisions. Need a refresher to help you decide what you
need? Here are some questions to ask yourself.

Does your project listen to real-time events on Discord?

Examples of what real-time events are:

  • A user sends/edits/deletes a message in a channel.
  • A user reacts to a message in a channel.
  • A user joins/leaves a voice channel.


  • Your project needs to make a websocket connection to Discord.

Special considerations:

  • Your project needs to be accessible via a URL. Deploy your project to a
    hosting provider such as
    Render, etc.

According to
Vercel's documentation:

Discord Bots that require a server to be constantly listening and reacting to
events will not work on Vercel since
Serverless Functions
have execution
limits that
range from 5 to 30 seconds depending on your plan. You can consider
alternatives like Google Cloud Run,
Fly, Render, or
Digital Ocean to host them instead.

Library recommendations, listed without a specific order as of the last edit:

Does your project respond to Discord interactions?

Examples of what Discord interaction are:

  • A user uses an application command: user command, message command, or chat
    input (a.k.a. slash) command.
  • A user uses a chat input command autocomplete.
  • A user uses a message component.
  • A user submits a modal.

Discord interaction types:

Interaction type Value
PING (Discord heartbeat) 1

The interaction type is included in the type field of the interaction object.

  "type": 2


  • Your project needs to respond to HTTP requests. Your project can be a
    serverless function or a traditional web server.

Special considerations:

According to
Vercel's documentation:

Discord Apps that use Webhooks to respond quickly to an HTTP request and
aren't invoked every second can be modelled effectively with Vercel's
Serverless Functions.

Library recommendations, listed without a specific order as of the last edit:

  • A library is not necessary to build a Discord interaction server. You can
    build a Discord interaction server with any web framework that supports
    responding to HTTP requests. Tip: Use a library for helping you type-check
    your project, such as
    discord_api_types if you are using
    (example projects by @acmcsufoss).
  • Many popular Discord websocket libraries come with interaction server
    capabilities. See
    Discord's official list of libraries
    for more information.
  • I am currently building a Discord interaction server library for Deno.
    discord_app leverages TypeScript's type system to ensure type-safety in
    defining application commands, utilizing your application command schema to
    inject type information into your interaction handlers. See
    deno.land/x/discord_app for more

Relevant documentation as of the last edit:

Does your project send messages to a Discord channel?

Discord webhook capabilities:

  • Send messages to a Discord channel with a custom username and avatar.


  • Your project needs to send HTTP requests. Your project can exist anywhere that
    can send HTTP requests e.g. serverless function, traditional web server,
    workflow script, etc.

Relevant documentation as of the last edit:

Does your project access Discord user data or allow users to login with Discord?

Discord OAuth2 capabilities:

  • Access Discord user data.
  • Allow users to login with Discord.


  • Your project needs to send HTTP requests. Your project can exist anywhere that
    can send HTTP requests e.g. serverless function, traditional web server,
    workflow script, etc.
  • To log a user in with Discord, you need to redirect the user to Discord's
    OAuth2 login page. This means your project may need to be accessible via a
    URL, most likely a website. See
    Discord's State and Security documentation
    for more information.

Websocket server versus interaction server versus webhook

Here is a table summarizing the differences between the three types of Discord

Discord project type Program requirements Required information from Discord
Discord websocket server Ability to make websocket connection (traditional web server) Application/Bot credentials
Discord interaction server Ability to respond to HTTP requests (traditional web server or serverless function) Application/Bot credentials
Discord webhook Ability to send HTTP requests Webhook URL

Is your project a Discord Activity?

Discord Activity capabilities:

  • Multiple users join a Discord Activity to share media together and interact
    with it in real time together.
  • Creative multi-user experiences that are not possible with a traditional
    Discord bot e.g. MMO RPG adventure, shared drawing canvas, etc.


  • Your project must be built with Discord's official
    Game SDK.

Example projects

Here are some example projects to reference when building your Discord project.

Project name Technologies used Description
AoC-Dailies Deno, Discord webhook A cron job that sends a message to a Discord channel containing the current day's Advent of Code challenge.
Shorter Deno, Discord chat input command A Discord chat input command that shortens URLs for acmcsuf.com.
Gitcord Go, Discord API, GitHub workflow A program integrating GitHub issues and PRs into Discord threads, syncing comments and reviews in real-time.
TLDR Deno, Discord message command A Discord interaction server that allows users choose a message and generate a TL;DR summary.
Triggers Java, Discord bot, Discord chat input command A command for custom chat triggers that notify users when a message matches.


We hope this blog post helped you decide what you need to build your Discord
project. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ethan on Discord
at EthanThatOneKid. Written with 💜 by


Edit (Mar 21, 2024): Open Source Software team board member Owen Sterling presented the "Discord Bot Intro" workshop, https://acmcsuf.com/discord-bot-intro, where he walked through every step required to write a Discord bot, https://github.com/JOwen-ster/Discord_Bot_Workshop, from scratch.

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