Listed below are the positions that are open for [INSERT DURATION]. Please read the descriptions carefully and apply for the position(s) that you are interested in. You may apply for multiple positions, but you may only be selected for one. If you are selected for a position, you will be contacted by the current team lead in charge of that position.

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  • Must have a deep commitment to the organization's mission and goals
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills
  • Committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization


  • Must be a member of ACM for at least one semester

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it


  • Official spokesperson of the organization, representing the policies, views and opinions of the organization in its relations with the campus and community at large
  • Works with the Computer Science Department to plan, create, and advertise programs that benefit the student population
  • Collaborates with board members to establish new programs or to maintain existing ones
  • Provides resources and support to fellow board members
  • Meets with club advisors regularly to discuss the state of the organization

Vice President


  • Retain similar intentions as the President and provide the backend support
  • Must be approachable, positive, empathetic, and flexible
  • Be familiar with the President's responsibilities and be able to step in if needed

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it


  • Presides at the organization’s meetings in the absence of the President
  • Collaborates with the President to carry out tasks
  • Organizes at least one board meeting a month
  • Assist in reaching out other organizations to do collaborations
  • Oversees all ACM teams and workshops
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to ACM daily



  • Strong organizational skills
  • Expertise and understanding of financial management, financial reporting, and budgeting.
  • Flexible schedule and availability to attend weekly ECS-ICC meetings

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions


  • Handle all financial affairs and budgeting of the organization
  • Maintain ASI Agency Accounts in the organization's name, which requires signatures of the Treasurer, President, and Advisor
  • Manage club equipment and t-shirts
  • Submit Financial Annual Report
  • Lead fundraising effort and attaining professional sponsorship
  • Manage sponsorship packet and disbursement
  • Attend weekly ECS-ICC meetings and request funding for events if necessary

AI Team Lead


  • Interest in artificial intelligence
  • Interest in public speaking/leading events
  • Passion for guiding AI related student projects
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Google Colab/Juptyer Notebook: Cloud development environment for Python
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it


  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students artificial intelligence
  • Recruit members to set up and maintain infrastructure for the AI Team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to AI daily
  • Attend all necessary ACM Executive Board Meetings

Algo Team Lead


  • Passion for algorithms
  • Productive time management
  • Interest in public speaking and leading events
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions


  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students algorithms/data structures
  • Recruit members to set up and maintain infrastructure for the Algo Team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Algo daily
  • Attend all necessary ACM Executive Board Meetings

Design Team Lead


  • Open mind to suggest new ideas in the field of design
  • Interest in learning and teaching common apps (ex. Figma)
  • Interest in programming to create basic front-end applications
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Figma: Create marketing materials and teaching students how to use it


  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students design
  • Recruit members to set up and maintain infrastructure for the Design Team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Design daily
  • Attend all necessary ACM Executive Board Meetings

Dev Team Lead


  • Passion for helping students develop projects
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills
  • Flexibility with skills to assist students in a variety of projects

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it


  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students common development tools
  • Oversee and manage multiple projects and teams
  • Recruit members to set up and maintain infrastructure for the Dev Team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Dev daily
  • Attend all necessary ACM Executive Board Meetings

Game Dev Team Lead


  • Passion and interest in game development
  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills
  • Flexibility with skills to assist students in a variety of projects

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it
  • Unreal/Unity: Game development environment


  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students game development
  • Recruit members to set up and maintain infrastructure for the Game Dev Team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Game Dev daily
  • Attend all necessary ACM Executive Board Meetings

Marketing Team Lead


  • Interest in exploring business and marketing
  • Substantial awareness or usage of multiple social media platforms
  • Represent and advocate diversity within the club
  • Strong management and organizational skills

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Figma: Create marketing materials and teaching students how to use it
  • Social media: Discord, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube


  • Assist in designing flyers for marketing to be printed and posted on all forms of social media
  • Suggest and direct new ideas for the diversification of our club
  • Oversee and manage all social media platforms
  • Delegate tasks to other board members of the Marketing Team



  • Organizational and time management skills
  • Interest in helping the executive board with administrative tasks
  • Commitment to the providing information to the club members

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Social media: Discord, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube


  • Check emails daily and report to the President and Vice President of any important emails
  • Take notes during board meetings and send them to the board members
  • Assist in room booking for events
  • Outreach to companies for collaborative events or sponsorships

Event Coordinator


  • Interest in event planning and management
  • Interest in public speaking/leading events - Strong communication skills
  • Passionate for inclusion and increasing student engagement
  • Creative and innovative

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Social media: Discord, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube


  • Plan and organize socials and technical events every Friday at 5pm
  • Collaborate with other ACM branches to host events
  • Work with the Secretary to book rooms for events and other logistics

AI Officer


  • Interest in artificial intelligence
  • Interest in public speaking/leading events
  • Passion for guiding AI related student projects

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Google Colab/Juptyer Notebook: Cloud development environment for Python


  • Attend AI board meetings and collaborate with other AI board members for workshops
  • Create biweekly/weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students data science and artificial intelligence
    • Suggest new ideas/topics to teach at a workshop
  • Oversee multiple AI semester projects
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to AI daily

Algo Officer


  • Passion for algorithms
  • Productive time management
  • Interest in public speaking and leading events

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions


  • Attend Algo board meetings and collaborate with other Algo board members for Algo workshops
  • Create weekly workshop presentations prior to events that effectively teach students algorithms/data structures
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Algo daily

Design Officer


  • Open mind to suggest new ideas in the field of design
  • Interest in learning and teaching common apps (ex. Figma)
  • Interest in programming to create basic front-end applications

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Figma: Create marketing materials and teaching students how to use it


  • Host engaging and interesting biweekly/weekly events along with the Design Team Lead and Officers
  • Research common design practices in tech and brands to relay this information via workshops and events
  • Attend weekly team meetings to catch up on what’s being worked on, progress, etc.
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Design at least daily

Dev Officer


  • Passion for helping students develop projects
  • Strong communication and leadership
  • Flexibility with skills to assist students in a variety of projects

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it


  • Attend Dev board meetings, provide essential input and collaborate with the Dev Team Lead and other officers
  • Oversee multiple Dev semester projects
  • Assist and direct students in ACM Open Source Projects
  • Possibility of being tasked to collaborate and participate in events created in partnerships with other ACM teams
    • These can include creating and presenting workshops on behalf of Dev or organizing an collab event
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Dev at least daily

Game Dev Officer


  • Passion and interest in game development
  • Strong communication and leadership
  • Flexibility with skills to assist students in a variety of projects

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • GitHub: To collaborate on code, manage projects, and teach students how to use it
  • Unreal/Unity: Game development environment


  • Attend Game Dev board meetings, provide essential input and collaborate with the Game Dev Team Lead and other officers
  • Assist and direct students in Game Dev related projects
  • Host engaging and interesting biweekly/weekly workshops along with the Game Dev Team Lead and Officers
  • Research common game dev techniques to relay this information via workshops and events, and to enhance this team
  • Check Discord messages and respond to the important discussion in regards to Game Dev at least daily

Marketing Officer


  • Interest in exploring business and marketing
  • Substantial awareness or usage of multiple social media platforms
  • Represent and advocate diversity within the club

Tools: We used following tools to plan and keep up with the workload

  • Google Drive/Docs: To collaborate on presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
  • Discord: Internal team communication, assistance for student questions
  • Figma: Create marketing materials and teaching students how to use it
  • Social media: Discord, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube


  • Assist in designing flyers for marketing to be printed and posted on all forms of social media
  • Create and edit short videos to upload to our social media platforms
  • Take pictures of our members to add to our socials and website gallery
  • Develop an end of the semester video to showcase our semester events
Apply now!

Contact information

Feel free to contact the ACM Executive Board if you have questions.

[INSERT NAME] (ACM President)

  • Email: [INSERT EMAIL]
  • Discord: [INSERT DISCORD]


  • Email: [INSERT EMAIL]
  • Discord: [INSERT DISCORD]