What's new in acmcsuf.com v2.0?

by @EthanThatOneKid

January 24, 2022 • 9 min read

acmcsuf.com v2.0

This release marks the completion of the ACM CSUF website v2.0 milestone 💫

Fall '21 semester sprint


During the Fall 2021 school semester, the acmcsuf.com team accomplished many feats of engineering and broadened our technical horizons. This semester, we broke 10 (OMG!) total contributors in this repository! Each contributor took major steps forward in learning about open source web development and working in an organization-like setting with other human engineers. Congrats to everyone who contributed towards this release!

New to acmcsuf.com hub

If you are interested in following along with us and becoming an acmcsuf.com v3.0 contributor, just watch out for any announcements on our blog (https://acmcsuf.com/blog) or the acmCSUF Discord server.

What's changed

This release at a glance

Notable changes [Auto-generated]

Minor changes [Auto-generated]

Full Changelog: v1.1...v2.0
GitHub Discussion (Mirror): #262
Blog Post on acmcsuf.com (Mirror): https://acmcsuf.com/blog/262
GitHub Release (Original post): https://github.com/EthanThatOneKid/acmcsuf.com/releases/tag/v2.0

Read as TXT: /blog/262.txt